The Journal of Provincial Thought |
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from private reserve | copyright 1978-2010 | |||||||||||||||||
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And at the appointed hour gather-ed all unto the cursorium. And hark & lo, the sonic surge of their jubilatien ate away the clouds. For long in coming was the time that this their city again made sport, in the wash of such much of scandol & monstrosidy as had surfaced in review of the societal gazetteers. These Bad Things, had screamt the gazettes ever & again. And, Terribol & Bad Tidings Yet. And the such. And behold, Ellemon Slondregonk accelerated in spirit, and gat him self up & forth, and steppt outen his carrel before salutatia thunderosim. And he rase he up his hand and shew there a gazette, which hath the title scriptien, The Laste Place Thou Wantst To Be, Citrigonqe. And another held he, which was so enscriben, Is It Hell? Nay, Citrogonk. And another brought he up: Panacea of Pers’nal Escaipe— Sitragonk Elders Tout Suiside. And Ellemon Slondergonk saith unto the mulditood, No More! And he thray down the gazettes before him, and struck he fire upon them. And they did burn an littel, with some smoke. And the multitewde saith, Rah. But the gazettes burnd not much, but in stead fissld, owing to the principol of blaze retardasien. Notwithstanding, Ellemon trod them underfoot, and given the multatieud to understand that they were consumd. And the moldotude saith, Rah. And cascades of Criers came forth, and cried they out the name of the King’s buzzardcurser Nastunhoocus and the name of Scog, and cried out the cursers’ credentiols, and cried out their contestual chronicols of cursebattles won and lost. And lo, percht atopf obelisks there tower-ed Longsayers, venerabol heads of populer say, who through volume cones did contrast strategeses & methods favord of the opponents, and who dissectnd tactix likily to be seen, and debated the cursers’ potencies & propensities & vulnerbilidies; and made they their equivocal prognosticasiens. And the peopel all in that vast terrace’d bosom the cursorium murmurd & said, Tactiques, & credenchils, & potencies, well-well; ’tis not absurd to gain the facts in such matters of nationel importe. But the devil mount & grind these prognostocatians, the which we our selfs might offhand devise for right or wrong, and we but hairbellied fools. 6 And the whisselreeds blay, and the startmelon was masht upon the field. And behold, Nastunhoocus the King’s buzzerdcurser came forth, clad in phoenix feathers & mockingboots. And his own familiar house buzzards were loost for him, those having places at his table; for the winfix was in, whereby Nastunhoocus was fixt up with the great fortune to prevail. And with a knife bigger than a poopcow and made of straw, Nastunhoocus mime-ed a paring away of his dermis off from offen his breast. And he walkt amongst the buzzards and cried, |
Nahhhhh! Ye damns bunche of buzzards, ye be a passel of noughtness that hath found a way to stink. Yea, the carrion remaindour of your mother upon your cannibol beaks & talons reacheth with its scent up to the High Nostril, and spoileth his life. | ||||||||||||||||||
![]() And he pointeth of sudden unto the nostril of the King Ellemon Slondregonk, who in his fobia assassinatim toppleth back in his stadiem throne and smiteth his living head upon the Blessing Hands of the Good Dame of Game, and brake them off, they being from the villainous sculpthouses of Varostril (a potter-sculpter), and deceitfully composed of chalk. And the dead heads which Ellemen hath, they flappt askew, and came uneartht, and severol of their pagoda sepulchres gat cracks. |
Yet (curseth Nastunhoocus), still, gone save for these reeking smears of her a-glistning like as delishis puke upon your ripping-parts, she your mother smelleth better than that she smellt whilst she liv-ed, I must to say. Smellt she ever worse than those witch’s herbs—henbane, figwort, stinking roger—that ye buzzards do chew for to sweet thy breath. Damns unto that old mother of yours, which wormwoven slut hath gobbold all the good guts for her self, and droppt into the mouths of her peeping babes some cankrous old bladders of the brown & bitter green. Small wonder, damns buzzords, that ye stand boasting in shitt; for it remindeth you of home, and saith unto the world, Look, worlde, somesbody loveth me enogh to leave me some shitt. |
And Nastunhoocus tosst upon the vultures some impressive powder from his crotchbag. And those buzzards flipt & flew in theatrick madness, and tare at their wings, and did all fall patently smit into waiting tubs of so-callt pitch (tho ’twas notte pitch, but a soothing malt which they did enjoy); and they were pulld out through false bottoms by the Nastunhoo rescuel crewe which was there hid belowtubs. And Nastunhoocus said unto the throng, Yah? And he went. And the throng responden unto him, unto this hero, with a Rah. Yea, before the face of the like of Nastunhoocus, they were outen their heads. Then were Scog brought forth in chains. And the servants did dance and pull his parts. And a squad of devious women went aswirling aroundabout him with kaleidoscopfic fronds, and juking & taunting.
And Scog took an actuel knife, and cleard away his dermis offen his breast, with gasps & groans & bleeding. And an old public buzzard with mange was carried out, which were all that remaind uneaten after the Birdbanquet of Mars with its capital gluttony. And Scog walkt amongst the buzzard and cried, |
Nahhhhhh! Thou damns bunch of buzzard: I shall paste upon thee some cursing such as no other man may utter, lest by the rage & puff of gods his head spoil and bloat upon its stalk, and split, and baste his shoulders with nauseatric tarmelt. And this cursing of mine shall curse the hells out of thee, sure. | ||||||||||||||||||
And the old disturbd buzzard came and attackt him upon his head, and upon his neck, & his shoulders, & his glorious hindparts, and drave him reeling about, and caus-ed him to fall amongst the lions down in the finishing pit. And the tumult of the lions, and of the buzzard, and of Scog, and of the multitude, turnd back a campaigning army that were ascending the hill to Citrigonk.
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Copyright 2010- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved | ||||||||||||||||||