The Journal of Provincial Thought |
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from private reserve | copyright 1978-2010 | |||||||||||||||||
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![]() additional illustrations by Otz & still other additional illustrations by Busterdsing ![]() |
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For the cursing of buzzards shewn herein oughts not to be receivd by the pure, oughts not to be met on the half-stomach, neither oughts any child ever gain indicatien of these things which are said by cursers of buzzards. For these are some forbidden thingues, things that have associance with the low & the lost. Would now that I had scriben them not. Still, may a man take back again into his fingres those things that he hath scriben, when that the devol hath got into his fingers and made hay?
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And Scog went alongby a certain place where an unplannd palsy fell him o’er, and he went prostrate at the foot of Karbong the idol which was there. And in that hour he cried with a loud voice, saying, O unmarriable Mercymonger, Sneerer Who slammeth souls, Whose killings in wrath can not be calld murder: I am Scog, made forth outen Scrawyabb, tho many there be among Thy faithful who call me Fillobastchen of Jerrosohalf, the same which is perisht of polebrain at the walls of Deal these past yea-yea semestren, where he was smat low with a pole in a skirmish for purse. These things all, according to the Plan. Or a plan. But there is a better thing which also I am callt (saith Scogg; for a vanity did claim him in his rapture, and favord him an occasien for presenting airs). Some fair many call me Solomon, 2 |
for reasons clear to me by grace of You the highriding sightgifting gods. Strangers do me see and, we can be sure, do straightway thinq of Solomun. Yet Scog I am, and Scog at heart, and in my mind none other. Tho, all that was right about Solomon, to no lesser mete doth the same flare proud in me.
So, then (saith Scog). Et bon. Now. Attending idol, hearken unto all these miseries which I exclaim, and give me fix. Backe there in old Smott (yea, most say Scrawyabb—I say it also Smott, by jape of irreverense) they did delight in mine expertsia more than lov-ed they the burbly goos & chortles of their own begotten babes. Celebrated they my talent with title: Curser of Buzzards entitled they me. Curser of Buzzards. How goode! E’en so (saith Scogh). Yet, in olde Smotte these days, show me a living buzzord for to curse and I will sculpt for Thee a great gay alabaster mistress with gilded gams. I will feign sanity, I will remit up delinqent taxes, I will go trucking love to a mother that thew me out. For I have curst the buzzards outen their skins o’er yon. And neither more doth buzzard fly, nor peck for flesh, nor dwell in any wise in the In a place having no more buzzerds (saith Scog), what bizniss hath a man like as all this I am? No bizniss there! I swear, I cried when they tolt me. That splendid prosperity I had knewn, it hath dasht away in bulk. But then was I not saved by those whom I had pleas-ed? Sure, they thoght them selfs fabulis to remembre me in their charities, blessing me with menial employ. For they set me to scratching publick backs at open lavat’ry, and made of me a balmdabber of butt pustules and other pustules. From these low pursuits have I now ceast in a sort of sickend ire, as my mind is in the sky. Hence burst I forth hither upon this land where dwell robbers, a king, and buzzards & such. ’Tis to me a second birth, or e’en higher, and I am full of aspirasien.
And after these revelatiens pitcht he about with spittol at his mouth, there before Karbong the idol. And he cried & thrasht & rolld, and so outdid all possibol worshippers that none who pass-ed dared drop and vie. But, what may any god receive from one who hath studied no substance? For Scog pitch-ed so, that his foot smat agaynst that hallowd grouted farfetchlin. And the big rock rockt from the blow, that the very head of Karbong fell off and brake upon the ground. And lo, enormis pieces rollt aroundabout, and some of them gone acrashing through beggars’ campfs neath the knoll. And Scog lifted his head and opent an eye, and he rase circumspeckily and went upon his way. Now the sculptor Varostril, which was the ensculpter of Karbong, came thither and thwackend to pieces the idol with his staff; and his staff did number twelve fullbeard potters and some grime-ed apprentices. And they manofaxurd target-tiles outen the waste of Karbong, saying, The item never sold, even with an head upon’t. What idol-buying purchaser prince might now roll out his gold for this headless vestige, reckoning his people no less ready to trembol before a god that cud not keep his head? Purple swatheth no such fool. Varostril and his staff
Nae (said the potties); in this day, the successiful idol must be featuresteept, like as that one we heard which maketh groans of climactum, and as that one we seen that hath a sliding face across its correct face, and as the winephissors which phiss down wine upon their prostrate penitents. Yea, how the unwasht holymonqs do mill about those phisspodia, smutty hands cuppt for consecrate catchings to mitigate the cruelties of sober life and lay spin unto their stagnant perspectives. |
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Copyright 2010- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved | ||||||||||||||||||