nd the evil man returnt unto the solid plane, and gat him self up, and swoond forth outen his house, and reeld into the street. And so blindnd were he by trouble, that |
stepp-ed he before a piewagon dashing heedless past, which almo smat and crusht him; but he were meant to go ahead with life, for now. And in her driver’s madness, the piewagon hitteth two lovers in the lane and pitcht them broken into the hedges, and hitteth others in divers places. For there were an old man at the reins, who seeth not. Neither hath he vended any of the stuffpies consigned unto him for the vending, as he splitten the sea of hungring monied peopels and gone hurtling through. Neither turneth he with the road, for he goeth saying, I know the route; memory serveth. (Yea, hap it serven that same devol as doth the evil man.)
Then came the husbin, whelmd and in capitulasien to domesticasian, unto the garmentage Raiment Alway, and went a rummage o’er the piles, seeking his fit in green. And lo, the prices upon the garms were more than he would to pay; nor hath he the temperance for haggoling. And seeing the woolardwoman Congress engage-ed with other bargainers and looking not upon him,

therefore took he up a furtive lurk; and he steal-ed a robe. And he conceal-ed it there in his bootypouch, and went by smiling for to depart.
But zound! A giant from Psiam fell upon him outen secret watch, and shak-ed him with mitts of thunder, and drave him about with an whippostick. And Congress came and seen him, and knew that he was the wicked husben of her friend the Wife. And he surrenderd up all that he had, e’en his own garments which he wore, and went outen that place but half-living, and having nought save his ill repute and his injuries.
Now as he went upon the road, hunching, and dragging his backoward leg, the scent of his blood summond thither a fanghog, or tushoboar; and neither was it of natcherol extract, but a werfanghog it was, or wertushoboar. And it leapt upon his back and ate him. And behold, ’twas come to pass that he was joind there with the mother of his wife in the belly of a fanghog; for she also had been eaten on the highway, in the minute she was casted outen her carovan.
And by and by their remains were passt outen the fanghog, outen darkness into light; and they layd there hardning in solido upon the road. And they were as one.