jptArchive Iss 12
lil diamond 1 iss12luminancelil diamond 2 iss12 Pigasus, JPT flying pig Iss 12, c 2008 Schafer
For example, we got rid of the guy who went around saying, "There are two types of cursers in the world: those who curse when they oughtn't and those who don't curse when they ought."

That's only one type of curser.

And this guy had been given a free pass all his life. Objective rigor plays no part in his mentality. Therefore he should succeed at a higher level in the news media industry or aboard a pirate vessel. But his bumpkis is out of here.

jptArchive Iss 12
Copyright 2009- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved
The Journal of Provincial Thought