Extremity Hooves
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ow so, ale’s passionchild, it came to pass that andromeda cows came down to the Earth and went to grazing for flesh amongst the wineswiggolos and the streetsleepers |
of Malt. And as them cows dieted upon the night, sploshing through their slaver, came they upon Coccolutus the Wretched there in the dusts where he lay sprawlt sleepfing away the day of his misfortune. And they made to get after his flesh—to get a life that belongd not unto them—but inadvertent rousted they him with moos.
And seeing him self beset by evol beef, Coccoludis ejected outen his dust puddle and fled commodius Malt. And the galactic herd lent chase and drave him beyond the tradishnol bounds of towne & reason unto an hard forbidden wilde, where infested the old Tempter, calld Shateen, & Bellsiebudt, & the Devil, & the Ragman, & the Hag Hopper, & Sot Sponsor, & Host of Rots, & Luciferus the DownDown, & the Wild Bunchman, & Two Horn Baboo, & the Aulde Husk, & Booger Man, & the Poot Booster, & the Pitchpittable, & Slapmaster, & the Lucksucker, & the Rude Awakener, & Prince of Leaks, & the Buff Rummy, & the Hard Out, & Incuboozi, & Sleekcheats, & the Rad Hack, & the Mother of Dementia, & Deep Threat, & the Far Crying Jacqel, & Ah Ha, & He So Hoof-ed, and the Nameless One.
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Conservatry for the Preservatien of Evil
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nd Coccolutus clutcht & swiveld as Booger Man fear wrencht his bowels & crankt him about out there in the tangols. For he hath an histery with this very place, and |
that histery twineth all in the pers’nal histry of the Devil. And he trippt & shimmied, wrackt with reminiscis eruptii:
This place [reminisc-ed he] were once a dreamer’s garden of goode living, and wildness meant but a trampol through tulips. Families of folke were rooted here & there, mine also. (I suppose that they were mine; we did sup & sleep togethre, & seen nethers on occasien expose’d, and knewn true selfs & unkempt aspects.) And daffodils reported, and bathing maids splasht & blennied in faeriedew pools cuppt amid the fronds caressing sunsmit lanes. Placid hours of reflecsien knew I then, and whispers with anjels, and precious rest. O! The jolly
rump knoweth no joy like as in those days parkt flush on cushy meadows, whilst brooks aglisten burble-ed soft their fluid extassies, and alongby did my kin toil hellish amongst the lentils as I me sat absorbing.
![daffodils reported etc- w Schafer c 2008](Wilde-1-Daffodils.gif)
Ach! But came the modern governor Gumdab with his mistakes, removing us away, saying, Let us (Gumdab callen him self Us) set aside this range as an exzotical conservatry, a famus forbidden wild, and preserve it as an home for the devil. For the Devile & his sins were a Naturol Thing, saith Gumdab. (Natcherel Thinggue? Wherefore then cared Gumdabv not for the poverty-rockt, nor gave aside fruiting lands for to preserve those knotted with starvasien, they being also Naturel? Naaa, not Naturol, saith Gumdab; I caus-ed them my self.)
O, we knew Gumdabbit. He wine-ed his noble guys, they making sociedy on the high terraces of Skyhouse Guhmdhab, scoping his domains and shooting off arrows of smoke & fire. And that Lady Gummdabb, she taken to preening, and just mentiening before the socialytes, Yea, our little devol in the wood—ye have heard of him? Fie; he is ours.
And the Auld Husk, that Hard Out, surely were he pleasd & humbly gratifide & forever pacifide, to enjoy such sweet concern? But nay, not he. For this olde Buff Rummie, he keepeth not unto his reservatien in gratefulness, but goeth in steads & flicketh away his time, most of it, chasing souls in the city and running his rakkets as a fisherman runneth his nets. And out here in this charitabol reservatien he hath thrown trees, and enterd houses, and stompt barrels, and brought forth brambles, and made the earth to stink, and burnt things, and carvd some cursings here & there.
For he said:
I wud notte be baggd & buy’d, e’en by weird generosidy of the hue that I abhor, which is no poultice for a pummel’d heart like unto mine. Who might in stead devise unto me that object of my fiercest coveting, which is a Mother? Yea, a Mother would I have, that crieth & slappeth after me hot in mine escapades; and an old Greatmother also, that maken for me quilts & frivolities, and letteth me to do great evil in her sight, and saith at me, Little Wild Bunchman, for sake of shame!
O, the manner of love that is in the world, ’tisn’t any choice of mine. They say, Love in its purity admitteth of no coercions nor extorsiens. And I, grinning, jangols my purse and to them says, Go an ounce of lolly, come an ounce of love. Yet, in putting that assersion to her teste, I find that alln my silver slugs & zirconium divots tumbling through the coffers of the world can nae purchase me passage nor portage in the harbors of unforst love. I am Out—Hard Out—and they rubb mine nose in’t alway, sending forth their
scorny preachlets emphosizing my troubles, and committing to text the most irking of dirty hurts against me, such as, That Lucifris, now, he is right OUT. And I know that in out, they are saying I am dumpt & damnt.
Ah but the love of an Mother (saith Babboo), even now, after all the scarring, hap easen the chafe.
But such talk by the Prince of Leaks were in sane; for who might love such basturd as he hath turnt out to be?