From: Dobar (Bodar) Z. Bent
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2010 1:28 AM
Subject: pollution of perception
Hope-ings all ever,
I see of the whole the dark has been. The bright of the sphere has simmered to pale reflection. Our tasks of the morrow are pre-relieved so the dark of the time seems unusually peaceful. The synthetic glow of the propaganda puke entertains the silence with infinite unimportantness. The vibe of the machine insisting our sustenance inadequate and theirs worth very the value. The large of machine insisting the absorption of now must suffer the want of more, or of professed better. That between the perversions of primetime and the unreality of the bulk. The protruding puke not limited to carbon-based representatives but often undated with drawing of Crayola all still spewing unholy. Ah the expert, ever the expert no matter the direction, the monumental undeniable 3-second study of everything we should believe to the soul. And of course the republicrat shooting the feet of their hated opponent and the cuisine connoisseur assuring pure ecstasy. We stumble on stooges of three or the gigantic of Duke but all seems so slow as the tempo of late has seemingly tainted our perception. Oh now the star of the representatives of presenting reality and fiction explaining an uneasy upbringing of little but essential to be their guide to influencing as many as will be influenced. Their opinions more relevant for portraying feats of the truly extraordinary rather then ever having attempted extraordinary themselves.
We scribe in obscure and amuse of the puke as we wait on the morrow of busy full chore.
Take air in the deepest and untense all the tight, peace is all available upon realization of our light.
Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent, Lester Clastomanivich, Alfons Chapasacowstavich, Kruuzr Hrtuu etc............... and transparent soul...........................

From: [JPT Editor]
To: JPT contributor, Issue 19
Subject: Your article is reviewable online
Date: 15 Jan 2011 04:34:38
Dear JPT Contributor,
The presentation of your article is available for review at http://www.provincialthought.com/2011-01Iss19/IssHome.html
You can find its link to the left of the above cover page, which is all but complete.
If there are no changes to make you need not respond.
Your patience has been very much appreciated. The Issue 19 will officially premiere afternoonish on Monday Jan. 17 (USA time). If you are unable to review your article beforehand, you may still do so at any time thereafter. However, changes after this time might not be possible for a period presently unknown due to ongoing disruptions; days to weeks is possible. Since nearly all of you have already had a chance to respond to queries for corrections etc., few problems are actually anticipated, but please get in touch to work out any issues. And of course, please accept any apologies, hereby contritely extended, that may be due you for any reason.
Thank you for another eclectic jewel of a journal!
[Yours Truly, Great JPT editor blah-dee-blah]

From: Dobar (Bodar) Z. Bent
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 9:29 PM
To: [Editor]
Subject: Re: JPT article reviewable online
Dear dear Mr. Wisdom and Smith,
We soaked of the 19th publi-cay. We found it assuring and amusing and literally correct.
We returned from the parallels of greenness of ever and white crystal rain [trip up north—ed.]. The place of some of the Kruuzr's most significant conclusions in the speck. These areas of coldness suited the Kruuzr as the sweat and the smell seemed not. Kruuzr was quite comfortable in any of slightness spent beyond the waters of Pelican, as what happened north of Pelican..................... Mechanical consumption of fossil, generating exhilarating voyages in the tunnels of white. Consumption of ethyl accepted and encouraged by sustenance seeking keepers of inn. And substance of insomnia and non-reality as abundant as the skin of genderous cushions and bumps of wench's emptying pockets at special a spots. All of the greatness that has come to be began of the place of Ranch in this place, on last ethyl escapade and the first of the last of the great and miserable Hrtuu.
We happened on Ranner, who much like the mouse complemented the Kruuzr's existence in time that he be. Ranner continues as the Kruuzr would be had not the light of his survival been realized. Ranner still hollow and hurting refreshes the light of any and all realizations. Ranner still lost in the substance and ethyl, though slowed accumilating numbers. Ranner still without moral or commitment or real sparkle. Ranner of darkness, no not the slightest of lumen. We and he shared recollections of ethyl conquests and conceptions of great powerful mechanical dragons of speed and piercing wave. And then as a switch brightens the darkness, our converse concludes and we split to the gross difference that is reality, Ranner off to the shadows and we hurriedly traveling to the sweetness of our sparkle.
Again we are flattered by your acceptance of our scribblings.
Lightness of Sparkle sure sprinkles itself on all of its seeking, May your seeking be endless.
Dobar (Bodar) Z. Bent reporting on Lester Castomanovich the bearer of Kruuzr Hrtuu and counterpart of Alfons Chapasacowstavich all residents the abode of yak-ness in parallels of up.

From: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 12:45 AM
To: jpt Editor
Subject: Lapse times in distance
Ups there Mr. Smith,
The darkness in set and the demons emerge. We live life of the white in acceptance of the light and yet the conjuring's of the open door surface. Holding the onlyness of true sparkle as hope and the wisdom of life as a guide, yet the places of cerebral evil seem never to dull to oblivion. The caverns of infinite ugliness and dark once achieved on purpose are ever in the wings.
Melancholy and idleness are truly the darkness's counterpart. Our river dwelling of refuge some stale and ordinary of occupation now bearer of cranial pressure. We see the moisture of saline and particles of floral propagation as longings. Our dragon trips in rocket tunnels of white have pretty well played out. Hard precipitation no longer welcome but well on the way. Numerous superior parallels of extended darkness surely the consumer of existence for the sad and idle souls of weakness. Globes presence required and green-ness surely in long vision of gray.
We soak of the material as is electrically translated. The wisdom of silence and still, so seemingly lost. We work to keep pace in a race of the soul. Ever aggravated in simple requirement of nothing more then being aggravated. Our peace and sparkle of everlasting brightness is in everything and yet all too often incomprehensible.
We were to scribe of adventures of the Kruuzr this piece, but heaviness of pupil shades and sustenance circulator has dimmed this possibility.
Our time at com scramble could upcoming increase so adventures in gathering of wisdom and lumps should well continue, would/should you wish their continuance.
In corner of tube, wishing brightness exude, Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent,
the feverish occupant of yet yak coated tent.

From: From: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 11:39 AM
To: jpt Editor
Subject: Land of Bodar
Attachments: Home Feb 2011 008.jpg; Home Feb 2011 009.jpg; Home Feb 2011
004.jpg; Home Feb 2011 013.jpg
On mornings light, after some flake frozen dust, the river ripples well.

From: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 9:28 PM
To: jpt Editor
Subject: Re: [response to editor re not letting creative well dry up—ed.]
Yours the distinction of Smith,
Imagination stagnates on occasion. Considering the appropriate continuation can be cranial-ly confusing and confounding to the seemingly compressed cerebral cortex.
The speck of infinity was extremely enjoyable this period. Our senses rested as the sparkle spent the speck in roaming contemplation of monetary expression. In search for material substance of incredible value.
We reflected as our final of elder insects went to the rest of peace. Our connected brightness conversed of experiences past. Our humorous, jovial and quite boisterous articulation echoed the walls of the rivers valley for lengths uncomprehended. Our snickers and snorts intertwined with remorse and regret from inevitable, yet possibly temporary, separation of souls.
We wondered our river enjoying the silence and sprinkles of flake displaced of foliage by occasional breath of the mother herself. The impressions of varmint and hoofed existence intertwined at our disposal. The brightness so intense the filtration of perception a necessity. Quite distant the consideration of Kruuzr and darkness, more focus of sparkle and shining forefront.
We wonder the parcel of WC Smith. We conjure his participation in whiteness and/or green. His dwelling of hide covered posts or stone. His existence quite solitary or social. Does he share his speck or keep it for infinities end.
Our senses are dulling, our portals of brightness near unbearably burdensome.
The need for reflection a product of bright, may your sense of the brightness be inundated, Bodar/Dobar Z. Bent Tenant of delectable burdenous beast hide dwelling
From: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 9:42 PM
To: jpt Editor
Subject: The days of here
The Smithness of any and all Smithness's, We are of the spent. We have overpowered our old gray matter in provision. Our mechanics wish to fly but reality seems to limit us to a brisk stride.
We are fantasizing of green-ness, of red breasted aviaries and their slimiest of consumables.
We have collected components of indomitable exhilaration in the recent past of our speck. We have the combustion conversion from fossil to forever renewed. We can squeeze the new to greatly invigorate our sense of momentum and inertia and acceleration. Forward facial pieces overlapping our audio receptors our goal. All of course conforming to travel on any local pike of our choice.
We are all the muck of the hard to soft. Our hard is now soft, our way now concealed. We like that the hide of our yak does quite float.
We need of the peace in the brightness of still,
Our Bent Z. Bodar/Dobar
Bob on the liquid of life, in the brightness of the infinite all-everness

From: [JPT Editor]
To: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Subject: RE: The days of here
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 7:20 PM
Dear Bent Z.,
My thoughts mirror your own almost verbatim.
Hang in there, as e'en I hang. Am in the mother of all battles, preparing to move near-death father to my home 4 states away. Plan to make publication "on time" this May anyway. Communications will be spotty. Did also receive previous masterpiece. Danke.

From: Bodar (Dobar) Z. Bent
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 9:00 PM
To: jpt Editor
Subject: Re: The days of here
C, sea ,see ,
All of our O2 fortifier pumps are there, in all there continuous redness. Our elder left us a great part of our speck past. As would normally be, the still of the brightness is quantum the cure for the color of blue.
Destinations positively nothing but speculation. A place in the eternal still of the brightness is quite the best anticipated in now and then for us and them.
We seem little to recall of our elder. We regret some that was not said and some that was. Upcoming expiration or not, the face to face of the verbal and provision of comfort and feelings value of indiscernible worth. Most more of the worth then all that street of walls. Our time was but 14 laps of the globe of power and heat, with our origin. In our small little matter of Grey, we are of smile for the units that spend most of their speck with an or all elders.
Should the shoe of horse fall, may the contents of goodness indent you and your elders remaining share of this speck of the infinite universe.
Bodar and/or Dodar Z. Bent
All fodder of yak enrich the enlightened Terra fer-ma in speck. Never a testimony of prophecy insisted the vapor of vitalization be consistently clear of aromatic enhancement.
Fans of Dobar rejoice, as next issue the Bent One addresses things somewhat furthermore!!!!!!!