JPT Guys,
I'm sterting to build up a big collection of pigasus paper poses now, printing them and cutting them out, but they're all of the same two pigasuses so far. Are there like fan conventions where I can trade for others in the set? Do you like have scholarships available to cover me going there and hanging out? --Jorge
Deer Gorge,
We are bizzy arranjing a world-wide fancon for Pigasus followers and will Email you when we git it done! Hang in their and keep yer siccors sharp!!!
P.S. You've got a-holt of a counterfeit somewhere, my man-- there's only been one Pigasus Paper Pose before this issue. ( ((.\/.)) ) (Shaking head in amazement.)
A. Krapp's COMIX [Issue 6] caught my attention because I have avidly collected comic books for almost a year. While a good case can be made that comics have done more harm than good (see CRIME does not pay) , I feel it’s worth the tradeoff. I didn’t recognize Sha-Boom and can’t say much about it except “looks interesting.” I’m surprised you didn’t publish listings of comic book collector associations throughout the country. It would have finished out Mr. Krapp’s story nicely. Still, that information can be found elsewhere. Thank you for a great feature, Avery M.
Dear A.M.,
Glad you approve our humble efforts. Have tried to pass on your kudos to Mr. Krapp, but as you know he is a fiercely reclusive cuss. Will try to mail him a cassette with your eloquent words transcribed to voice, but I have a feeling this will be Krapp’s last tape!

Love the focus on jazz. Keep all that good stuff coming. Why don’t you put out the jazz as a newsletter, and maybe expand jazz coverage? --W. P.
Dear Editor,
Regarding One Hung Hungarian by Willis Quick [Issue 6]:
I was left hanging because you left the story hanging with the corpse left hanging in the dovecote. I’m looking forward to Part 2 in Issue 7—assuming (given your track record with Quick) there even IS a part 2. WQ is a gifted and thorough writer, and we are fortunate to be treated to at least pieces of his work. But take pity and tease no longer! --A.L.B.
Dear Albie,
Here we were at Roark’s Drift, when nearly 10,000 naked Zulu warriors burst from the ravine, screaming their shrill war-cries, their skins glistening with sweat and their teeth gleaming in the noonday sun. They were no longer armed with sharpened sticks but with the latest model Krupp-Seinfeldt .375 repeaters. It was clear they were fighting to the bitter end, and all the forces I had at hand were 22 members of the 315th Foot Cavalry military band!!! [To be continued]
Hey JTP,
Somebody up there better get off their ass and pay attention. Every damn issue says it’s “Numb 1,” as in “Vol. 1 Numb 1” in Issue 2, then in Issue 3 it’s still “Vol. 1 Numb 1.” It doesn’t take a damn rocket scientist to update the freaking issue number from issue to issue! --Anonymous John
Dear Sir,
The 1913 Rubric Runabout by W. Schafer [Kooky Kar Klassix, Issue 6] belongs in the Hall of Fame. It’s a righteous vision of sunshine. --Paul T.
Dear PT,
Any relation to Mr. T.? Thanx and a tip of the Hatlo hat!
Dear JPT,
Fell out of my chair when I read what young Shrdlu [Etaoin Shrdlu, Keltick Klassick -- Issue 6] was being taught: “along with the Brothers’ standard curriculum of phrenology, numismatics, phlebotomy, funambulism, proctology and advanced logarithms.” A bit more exciting than I remember my own upbringing having been down there in Stenchpuddle. But then, I wasn’t among the more privileged of the unprivileged.
--Dyn o Ddeugain
I loved reading about the mink and Clorox bottle [Real America, Issue 6]. Seriously, did that really happen? Life is so special. And the Horshack admonishment was my favorite [Admonishment #844 On Making Up Rorschach Answers]. Thanks for writing, and so well. Thanks for not charging. --ondo
Dear ondo,
Thank you. But don't you thank us; thank Mrs. Wiggington, the staff scribe's tenth-grade composition teacher. Thank youthful optimism that counsels that skills are worth learning for the future. Thank a strong and wise society that secured, for at least a few generations, a system of education in which any child with thoughts and a number 2 pencil could create worlds or describe the one we inhabit. Thank Virginia for chasing down and killing that mink-- this didn't simply happen, it occurred. Fartch Fondlegod's Admonishment #844 was about the Rorschach psychological test. Horshack was a Sweathog on the 70s TV comedy Welcome Back, Kotter.
Dear Movie Editor,
I saw Smart People and Quaid was very good, and the movie was ok. But smart people and educated people, sometimes there's a difference, and 2) educated people got no protection from being tedious and dull. My movie review. ---- And do add that Sarah Jessica Parker looks great. She's scanky on that HBO Sex in the City, but really attractive here. --F.
Dear F.,
So that's a thumb-up for the stars (Quaid & Parker), and a horizontal-thumb-tending-down on the movie proper, is that about right? Seems to average to a single-thumb oriented at roughly 60°-65°. Hmm. Think I'll wait for the Jack Black remake.
You can find thousands more questions & answers at our online website. And now, ladies & gentlemen, we must be off to Kansas.