The Journal of Provincial Thought |
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Spotted at a
Distinguished Publishers, Editors & Artists, Writers, Thinkers etc.,
Thanks for the jazz features (along with all the clever & eclectic entertainment-- excuse me, education)! For a longtime jazz fan, the forays through "classic Chicago" are the ultimate trip. Great to capture that scene. Goes well indeed with a CD of period music. Well done, good job, mission accomplished. --"Bone"
In this issue, instead of bathing in the milk of a multitude of praises for our efforts and those of our much-lauded contributors (thank you one and all!), and instead of retorting to the very few criticisms (ill-conceived though they be), and EVEN instead of airing the meaningful and well-constructed commentary that these pages invariably inspire, we shall display a selection of our more eccentric feedback, thus serving you the viewer with further reminder that things could always be worse, and in fact are.
Dear jpt,
Is the department, human resource in your jpt happy or desire to have additional personnel at this time? Owing to my skills I throw your way a lot of perspective and interest for the world. And thus also make great a lot of career. Only first you explain to INS for facilitating, for legitimate. Please for prompt reply as New Yorker try to first entice me. Thank you! And I go now to await. --Edez
With spot-on spelling like yours you won’t be happy working here. Take the New Yorker gig for starters. Later, if you want to jump ship you’ll be able to peg doable landing options. --eds.
Dear Pigasus,
My wife says I’m a pig and should have married another pig. So then I’m thumbing through my jpt and think, there’s a cutie, Pigasus the Flying Pig. So I’m wondering, are you a boy or a girl?
---Eligible Again
Dear Eligible,
No, I’m an avian swine. If you mean, “Are you male or female?” the answer is “assuredly.” Thanks for the compliment; it’s cool being admired (but not mired— note the wings lifting me out of the sty already). Anyway, the leg disparity’s a non-starter. Gotta fly! ^P^
To The Journal of Provincial Thought:
Why are you not publishing more exposés on the plights and treatment of human populations by violent regimes worldwide? How can you sit back in enjoyment of your own comforts, with nothing more urgent on your minds than spreading laughter (and irritation)? When people and companies such as you abdicate your responsibilities to your fellow man, you not only lend tacit support to the indignities and oppression being foisted upon innocents, but in fact encourage the proliferation of more of the same! In a very real sense, you are complicit in global slaughter and mayhem, for which guilt there is sure to come a day of reckoning. But you won’t be alone. – S. L.
Dear S.L. Before there was a jpt, the Association for Provincial Thought, LTD., once sought to address the very issues you raise. Correspondents were vetted, trained and sent into the deadliest hellholes the planet had to offer with the idea of introducing that single ray of light that would expand to melt away the darkness. Tragically, none of our people were ever heard from again. The international Association very nearly collapsed, but was saved by the herculean campaign of a core group of extraordinarily gifted advocates, some themselves bearing scars of ethnic or ideological savagery, who persuaded remaining Associates of the vital necessity of a change in mandate. Organizations sharing a similar aim, be they private or governmental or multinational, take approaches that vary according to resources and other limitations. Realities dictated that the Association make like Fleetwood Mac and “go [our] own way.” You, S.L., are likewise free to “go your own way,” or to simply go away. On behalf of humanity, let us thank you for your caring!
I was cast out of society essentially by people having less interest IN society than I had at the time. Nothing I ever espoused would rise to a level that a reasonable man would say merits ostracization. There’s the rub. All the time this was going on, I was not dealing with REASONABLE PEOPLE! In fact, it has been a while since I MET any reasonable people and frankly I’ve stopped expecting to. Not “reasonable” by any objective measure. But it would be nice to feel as if I belonged, simply because word-of-mouth is hurting my business. I’m hoping that you might advise me on psychological handles in people’s provincial thinking that I can use to leverage myself back, if not into favor, then at least into some degree of respect that I can translate into income. “They don’t teach this at school.” --Thanks in advance, X.X.
There are great socializers whose every nod or whisper fills people with joy in the blessing of sheer proximity. Their professional lives are endless galas of easy deals and privilege.
~ Honorary
There, now. Go in peace, flash this baby at your detractors, live large and prosper. We must be off to
jptArchive Issue 6 |
Copyright 2008- WJ Schafer & WC Smith - All Rights Reserved |