Penitence Misst and Providense Lost
Now when that Esperitus the Moo was come down unto Citis Tyrannicus, where Kreemling infested, found he the carpetcalling long ended. And all that had come had been punisht; and these numbered two. (And Kreemling the Toy Tyrant, setting nekkid save for the elephont’s trunque which was strappt upon his groin, he had lookt down upon them from offen his cruisethrone atop Rex the Tyrannical Horse, saying, Ye are those who did generate all the laughage that obtaind in my dark hour? And they had said, That is what thou saist; that is thy story. And judjment had flowed, that they be taken and slippt from the path that goeth along Nine Differents Heavens, to snatch root or plummet, and find their laffiter in that.)